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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sundays issues

First of all - How can I get Chicken Pox??

Yes that's right, I have Chicken Pox, would you believe it? The spots started appearing earlier in the week and at first I thought we had a flea infestation or something (Damn Cats!) but as I took a closer look and compared to what I could find via Google I realised these were Chicken spots (as the kids call them) Once DD had a good look she confirmed my worst fears.

There are 4 small spots on my lower right arm and 1 on my upper arm. I have 3 on my lower right leg and about 5 on my lower left leg. They do get really itchy in the evening and early morning but not much in the daytime and not at all once I am in bed. Now I will never be able to utter those words "I am alright I can't catch Chicken pox"

I am not sure where I caught them from...I have an idea but I can't really talk about it yet.

That old red button

I spoke to my Nan on the phone today as always for a Sunday. I was telling her about watching the England game last night as she told me that her and Grandad watched the Rugby on ITV. Anyway, then out of the blue she says "A number one kept appearing in the corner" What, in a red square? Have you got digital TV? I can't believe only a couple of years ago me grandparents only had a black and white TV now they have Freeview!

They played, I saw, I wasn't impressed

Remember all the excitement of finally being able to watch The England football team play? Well all I can say is thank god I wasn't paying any extra for it as I would have felt seriously ripped off. They were absolutely Pants! I don't think I broke a smile the whole way through.
Earlier in the day we had sat and watched the U21s team play against Italy in the inaugural game at the brand new Wembley stadium and that had been a much better game with plenty of action and 6 goals into the bargain too. What a great occasion.

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