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Sunday, April 01, 2007

28th March 1994

13 years ago this day was spent in complete agony screaming and panting and projectile vomiting over anyone within 10 feet of me. I lost a ton of blood and felt lucky to still be alive.

13 years later I have gorgeous intelligent son who makes me more proud with every day.
To celebrate him becoming a teenager I treated him to a bowling party.

I have been to a few of these in the past when they have been invited to them but I have never been the parent in charge of the party. I can tell you that this was the first time that I have felt completely out of my depth. A group of teenage boys are very intimidating and while DD would have usually backed me up, she was too busy being one of the boys.
Don't get me wrong, they weren't being naughty or anything, they seemed to be having a great time and enjoying the bowling, they were also very competitive, only when they got a bit distracted by Vicky Pollard and the dropping 10p machines I found it hard to get the bowling back on track.

The organisation from the bowling alley's point of view was a bit shambolic. We were allocated a party host but then someone else became our host. The food was 20 minutes late and when we finally finished bowling we found that our new host had gone home without leaving us party bags or goodies.
That said, DS and his mates all had a great time and even though we still had to wait 20 minutes for a taxi DS went home happy - already planning his party for next year...Yeah right well we will have to see about that!

When we got home we tucked into a gorgeous Chocolate cream Gateaux that I thought would be more appropriate than a birthday cake and candles.

I didn't mention that I bought DS a new phone for his birthday. A Motorola L6 which although cheap has all the features that he wants from a phone. I am not going to bore you with all the trouble I went to to get this phone but he was extremely happy to get it as I had not let on at all and he probably was expecting a pre-owned game or something equally boring.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:O i was born this day.