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Thursday, April 05, 2007


Stumbled across this show by accident on Wednesday night and now I am addicted to it just like any other celeb reality type show.

The format - 10 celebs working together for a celebrity gossip mag. They are sent out on jobs to interview /pap other celebs.
Each week 3 people are up for the sack and Janet Street-Porter (magazine editor) will decide which sherker is binned.

Now don't get me wrong it isn't an A-list frenzy but there are some would be journos here that are worthy of themselves being papped on a regular basis.

As I watch, we are about to have this weeks sacking revealed to us. Chris Parker is the man to go - Bye Bye Spencer Moon.

The actual magazine that they are putting together will be available next Tuesday in Closer magazine. I just might have to go out and buy that. It looks like the cover shot is a picture of The Beckhams taken by ex-Rams no.2 Dean Holdsworth.

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