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Monday, April 02, 2007

Have you met Miss Jones

So Saturday night saw the return of Doctor Who but without Rose.
New companion Martha Jones was introduced to the viewers much the same way as Rose was but she had the added bonus of a trip to the moon and a giant Rhino intergalactic Police Force known as the Judoon.

I have to admit that as I watched it Sunday night I wasn't very open to the change. My preconception was that I was going to hate Martha Jones but I gave way in the end. She is no Rose Tyler but I can see that she is going to give The Doctor a run for his money.

They had only been acquainted for minutes when Martha was lucky enough to snog his doctorness

"That was was a genetic transfer"

Each season seems to have a theme running in the background. With season 1 it was the Bad Wolf references and with 2 it was the Torchwood clues. I can guess that Saxon will be the thing to look out for this time. We know that The gorgeous John Simm will be playing Mr Saxon in a future episode and I noticed that there were several posters in shots saying Vote Saxon...

I will watch out to see if I am right.

By the way Am I the only one who wanted to sing "I've got a brand new Sonic Screwdriver" to the tune of the Worzels "brand new harvester"?

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

Hi Jen

Doctor Who was fab!!!!

Glad you had a good time in London!

Been back to GP, I don't have shingles!!! Definatley a stres rash and almost gone now.

See you next week! yaaaay