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Friday, June 01, 2007


So with only a couple of days to go to the big night, Brian came over on Wednesday to go over the final arrangements and even more so to pick up his Exclusive T-shirt for the night.

I met him off the train at 10am and as it was tipping it down with rain we hopped in a cab back to my house.

There were a couple of things internet and computer related that Brian wanted me to help him out with, 1 of those was to be able to put a youtube video on his blog.
So we made a little video clip and as I have no sound on my camera I downloaded a little audio clip to mix the video to.

I hope you like this as much as I do as it makes me chuckle every time I watch it.

I made Vodka Smoothies for us. It was nice to have someone to share them with as it always feels a little sad making Vodka Smoothies just for myself. We had Jacket potato with Tuna and Sweetcorn Mayo and Ainslie Harriot chocolate for afters.

The day passed really quickly and I couldn't believe it when it was 6pm and Brian had to leave to get his train back. I walked with him to the train station as it is a bit of a way to remember if you haven't done it many times.
Brian got on the train and I left to walk back home, I got a text not long after saying that it was the wrong train and everyone had been turfed off - LOL!

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