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Sunday, June 03, 2007

I love it when a plan comes together

After months of planning and endless calls and texts and meetings and Newspaper interviews, Finally the big night arrived.

The American Adventure 20 year reunion.
Boy was I nervous. I didn't hardly sleep Friday night, I kept waking every half an hour expecting it to be after 11am only to find it was 4.45am. I thought the day would never start and finally I could get up at 10 am.

Finally after the most stress-full day ever Tim and Brian pulled up in the car and I was away with me duvet and me overnight bag.
I had brought along a little bottle of Voddie for us to have to calm our nerves a little but the boys also bought a large bottle which we practically necked the whole of before we left for the pub. In hindsight this was a very bad idea..Come on, if you have been reading this blog long enough you will know about my past experiences of just a little too much Vodka.

Now I should have known not to trust Bri when he said that the pub was only round the corner from Tim's house so for the entire 10 mile trek to the pub I admit was moaning a lot but I was in those bloody high heels and I was more than a little tipsy.
The main reason I was moaning was that I didn't want to get to the pub and just be miserable because my feet hurt me, I didn't want that to spoil the night.

When we got to the pub my stomach was doing somersaults. I was a little disappointed because I saw a crowd of people carrying photos that I guessed must be ex-AA staff but they didn't approach us at all (Even though me and Bri were wearing our exclusive reunion shirts that I designed)

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We went in the pub and ordered drinks. I spotted Dean and Evelyn Hogan sat at the table near the bar but as they must be 2 people that I never spoke to in my entire time at the park, I wasn't about to approach them. We sat at a table near a window and then everything seemed to happen at once. Before I could catch my breath we were stood outside in a huge crowd, swapping photos and stories and catching up on everyone's lives.

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As we were quite a crowd, someone suggested we go round the far side of the pub and sit in the beer garden. So we pulled a load of tables together and all sat and chatted.

The weird thing about the whole evening was I didn't get to chat to anybody that I really wanted to. I really wanted to chat to Jill about her Son James and find out what he is up to these days and I wanted to chat to Adrian about what he is up to but I ended up sat chatting the Dean and Evelyn all night.

Dean Hogan was the manager of the Janitorial department. He was quite a looker (and still is) and everyone on the park fancied him. Evelyn came along with her husband as managers and was soon setting up home together. They still live in the area now 20 years later with their 2 kids.
They both told me all about what happened for them after they left the park and how they loved it so much that they bought a house in the area. Evelyn even told me the story of how Dean proposed to her Awwww!

Somehow you know that it wouldn't all be plain sailing. I had a full glass of red wine spilt down me, a bottle of beer and a glass of white wine not to mention the several times I spilled my own beer I also tripped down the steps down to the kiddies play area and nearly broke me bloody leg. Luckily no injury was sustained and I just ended up in a giggly heap on the concrete. Oh and the power went off in the actual pub so for most the night it was bottled drinks only.

The night passed by so quickly and I got quite sad as people started drifting off. And there was a bit of a dampener on things when Dean lost it with a bloke who asked if he was still in the cleaning business.

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So the boys and I accepted a lift back into town from Alison and then we went for food.
Believe me, the Kebab was totally the wrong choice. as I will tell later.

So 20 years on and if I had to describe the evening in 1 word it really would have to be perfect.
Not complete though, for it to be perfectly complete would have meant that Debbie Duro, Sharon Fisher and Paul Hill were there but maybe next time...

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

Oh Jen you do tell tall stories... The Mundy Arms is 1 mile from Heanor Market!!!! lol and you moaned as soon as we left Tim's front door!!!

What a fab nite!! Loved it

Can you send me the link to you pics on Photo bucket??? They're fab