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Saturday, June 23, 2007


For the whole of Friday I was MIA and incommunicado.
The reason was I finally received my DVD recordings of Lost from my friend Jill In the States.

I used to be an avid watcher of the Show when it was on E4, I would watch the show and then watch the repeat and then the Channel 4 showing too.
Of course when Sky took it over and then took themselves off Virgin, I could no longer watch it. Luckily we struck a deal and my only mission was to avoid all the talk and spoilers before I got to see it.

I almost managed it. Occasionally on UM the Lost talk would spill out of it's own thread into another but I would stop myself reading just in time.
The worst spoiler came though last Monday when Georgina Bowman on Radio 1 did a Lost feature and gave the game away about the finale. When people complained she said that as it finished weeks ago she couldn't see the problem of course until they had another onslaught by my fellow Virgin customer... A tongue in cheek apology followed.

So Friday morning I was dancing round the room when Postie delivered my DVDs. I cleared all the plans I had made and decided to get comfy with some snacks to catch up.

It was so easy to be sat there all day. 1 episode just merged into the next and before I knew it, the kids were home from school.

I was able to watch again from 6pm onwards as DD had gone to babysit for Ange and DS had gone off to Youth. I knew there wasn't much chance of DS coming home as he usually ends up sleeping over the road on a Friday. So I sat up and watched the whole season including the 2-episode season finale.
It was 4am by the time I got to bed but my head was buzzing with the whole 16 episodes.

So many questions now to ask. At last I can go and seek out the Lost communities and join in the theories and find out what others are summising.

I was sad to see Charlie go. Although all through the series it was kind of telegraphed in the storyline but Dominic Monaghan is such a great actor and charlie such a great character that I was hoping it wouldn't be true - Of course, what no one else has said is that we don't actually see Charlie die, the last time we see him is in this frame

So maybe, just maybe if we keep our fingers crossed...

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