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Monday, July 16, 2007

Keep a weather eye on the horizon

The highlight of the weekend for me was our trip to the pictures on Sunday to see Pirates of the Caribbean - At Worlds end.
We saw the first 2 movies at the cinema and we have left it as late as possible to see this one but I thought we better go before it gets ousted. They are down to 2 showings a day now and in the smallest theatre in the complex.

Sunday afternoon we made it nice and early for the 2.35pm showing and we thought we had the whole theatre to ourselves but people were still coming in 20 minutes into the film. Now I ask you, what is the point in that??

The film was brilliant. I was a bit worried about the fact that it is 3 hours long but I really honestly didn't notice it. It had a lot of bad reviews and James King from Radio 1 said it had no plot but I think that it all depends on how much you are into the whole thing as there was a lot of plot there for me to follow.

I would still say that the 2nd movie was the best but I wouldn't have missed out seeing At World's end. Its funny how we went full circle with Jack though. The first time he appeared in the first movie he was in that little dinghy and that's exactly how he went sailing off in the end.

Oh Yes, we stayed right through the credits at the end along with about 6 other people to see the very last scene which answered my question and leaves it open if they do want to do a 4th movie or even start a new generation trilogy.

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