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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

le Da Vinci code

Monday night when we got back from the pictures, I saw that The Da Vinci code was on Sky movies so as there was sod all on anywhere else I watched it.

I was surprised how much I enjoyed it and more important still how I actually managed to follow it. It was slated when it first came out and I thought it would be way too complicated but I didn't think so. Maybe I am just too easily pleased but I could watch it again if there was nothing on. Of course I guessed that Sophie would be the person they were looking for all along but there were twists in play that I didn't see coming.

I thought Tom Hanks was good and although yeah he was a bit wooden on places, maybe that was just his interpretation of the character...dull scientist author geek type person.

If there were an award for Man of the Match in a movie then I guess that one goes to Paul Bettany in this one. He was amazing in a totally different part to that which he usually plays.

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