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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

You know who is back!

Tonight we finally got to see number 5 in the illustrious series of Harry Potter movies. Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix.

I haven't bothered with the books as I know I can't do them justice but I do look forward to the films coming out. This one was most anticipated and sees a more mature, a more adult Harry not to mention his 2 trusty sidekicks. I mentioned to the children on the way home that Ron and Hermione should have their own spin-off. Either a TV show or series of movies or even a cartoon show. Ron and Hermione fighting crime with their powers of fact I might write to JK and tell her of my ideas. I might be lucky like Mr Vernon or not so lucky like Mr Comedy Dave.

Back to the film. I really enjoyed it. I know it is supposed to be for kids but there is a lot there for us grown ups too. And the much anticipated snog between Harry and Cho was very well done. I thought it would be a little peck but It seemed to last forever. It really just did go on and on. Personally I have always longed for harry and Hermione to get together but I guess her heart belongs to Ron...
If I had the actual money I would go see it again. However there are more movies we want to see this summer and we have not the money or the time.

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