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Sunday, July 01, 2007

No Smoking Allowed

Hooray! The day I have been waiting for.
Now I can finally go out to a pub club or restaurant and not have an asthma attack half way through the night or wake up the next day stinking of stale smoke.

I know all those smokers out there are all whinging about "Blah blah blah - Human rights - Whine moan bitch" but what about my human rights?
I have the right to go out and enjoy a quiet drink in clean air and not have to suffer breathing problems or go home stinking like an old ashtray.

Lets hope I actually get to go out and enjoy the new freedom now LOL

Stumble UponStumble it!


Sibri said...

Well said Jen!

I was thinking these very words whilst reading the Metro on the way to work this morning... some story about people breaking the ban by all lighting up at the same time and another where a landlord makes non smokers go outside for 10 minutes every hour with the smokers as he thinks this is equality! Bloody selfish some people!

Anonymous said...

So why did you not seek out no-smoking premises before? They existed, though usually didn't last long since people like you were too lazy and unconcerned to support them.

So now nobody has any choice. And you think smokers are selfish...

Sibri said...

Yes I do... Why should non smokers have to find alternatives? ALL people should have the right to go to places without having the lungs polluted

Anonymous said...

But you've always had that right. The law never mandated that you enter smoky pubs.

If you dislike smoky places, you were always free to support non-smoking establishments, and to let the owners of smoking venues know what you wanted.

If even a reasonable fraction of the 70 - 75% of the population who don't smoke had done this, ie. exercised their right to choose and to express their wishes, there would have been a huge amount of provision. Now none of us has the right to make such choices.

Unknown said...

I’m from Ohio and I love our smoking ban. I enjoy not coughing in restaurants, and breathing in foul smelling smoke. Smokers are in the minority, and we should not have to compromise our health for their addiction. If people choose to smoke, they can smoke outside or in their own homes. The only problem with the smoking ban is that it encourages people to smoke right outside the doorways even though they are not supposed to. This means that you have to go through a cloud of smoke when entering or leaving a building. I also love the ban because children are not exposed to smoke as much. Not allowing smoking inside public buildings sends a message to kids that smoking is bad, so hopefully the number of people smoking will drop.