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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Out and about at Nottingham Pride

No before I go on this isn't my coming out post lol

Saturday July 28th was Nottingham Pride. Brian asked me weeks ago if I wanted to go down with the kids so I thought it would be a good day out.

It was a long day as we had to leave here at 9.30am to get the train but we could relax when we got to Bri's flat and when Tim & Al arrived Brian treated us to a glass of Champagne each - Even the children had a little taste.

We arrived at the event about 12ish and had a look around the many different stalls. There were lots of stalls selling anything from tee-shirts, jewelry as well as more adult items.
There were also information stalls giving away info on health issues, education, politics. There was a council stall with a big board where they wanted feedback on what people wanted more of to support the LGBT community. DS filled in a little star saying there should be more awareness in schools. He got a back pack full of goodies including a mug and a mousemat, pens and info about the council.

We made our way to the Beer tent where there was also a stage and a disco dj-ed by Amber and Sapphire 2 drag artists in the most gorgeous dresses. I only managed to get a picture of Amber as Sapphire was behind the decks for most of the time we were there.

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There were a few drag acts wandering around wearing some incredible outfits and i must say the biggest heels I have ever seen. I am a woman and I could never wear the heels that these men wear. We took a walk to the bandstand area and found a place to sit while everyone got some food. On the bandstand at that time was a young singer songwriter who sounded very good.

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Something I noticed (That you can't actually see on the photo) is that there was a signer for the deaf signing in front of the bandstand. I thought that was an excellent idea and all live gigs should have signers.
The next performer was Pippa Fulton who sadly is still getting gigs off of the back of her appearance in Fame Academy 2002. She did a good hi-energy set with lots of dancing.

After everyone had eaten and Bri's friend Jules arrived, we carried on walking around the park to look at a few more of the sideshows.

It was a very long day and by 5pm we were all exhausted with aching legs and feet. Plus both Brian and I seemed to have caught the sun. I as usual got burned on my head, face and arms. I never remember to take protection...

I will upload the videos tomorrow as I seem to be having a few technical difficulties.

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Anonymous said...

The Nottingham Pride was an excellent day! Good review, however you misunderstood why Pippa Fulton was there, she is not 'still getting gigs off the back of Fame Academy in 2002'! She is promoting a new album. I got one of the promo cards; Go to She probably wasn't even paid either - Pride events are usually all for charity and everyone usually works on them for free so that comment was a little unfair! I thought she was brilliant! The dancers were fabulous too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the generous comments from the anonymous person about Pippa's performance. Pippa travelled from Hull with two fabulous dancers to support Nottingham Pride. She is an amazing artist and deserves much more respect than ignorant comments such as 'sadly still getting gigs off the back of Fame Academy in 2002' If you check out her myspace you may understand a little more about the artist.

Jen said...

I think I need to defend my comments here.
I was in no way getting at Pippa. I can imagine that she has worked very hard. I also think it is great that she came and supported the event.
What I meant was that it was sad that they announced her as "Pippa from Fame Academy" and not !Singer Pippa Fulton" .
It was 5 years ago now since FA and I am sure that she has done a lot in thast time and rather than getting at her I was getting at the Promotion of her set that they still have to mention Fame Academy.

It still happens to Alistair although he has had a top 10 single top ten album and has had many hits all over Europe as a Songwriter but still they always present him as Alistair Griffin from Fame Academy.

I wish Pippa well in the future especially as she is still working very hard and travelling all over to promote herself :)

Unknown said...

Hi Jen, I was the young singer songwriter who played before Pippa :-) I was beginning to think no photos existed of me playing that day. Thanks for the lovely comment.

Paul Carden