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Friday, July 27, 2007

Shopping in the holidays

Basically it is a nightmare trying to go about your normal business in the school hols.
1 bonus these days is that my children are old enough for me not to have to drag them round with me. Only a shame that the rest of the population can't leave their kids at home. You have to weave in and out of whining kids and risk getting run over by pushchairs and those stupid Westfield car things. The shops are all 3 times as busy and the buses too.

I remember the days when I had to drag my 2 round. It was a nightmare because I was used to going off at my own speed but you had to be aware all the time of whether the children were still there and I couldn't just go zooming off through the crowds. I don't understand why anyone would want to traipse round the shops with teenagers in tow, all they do is moan...

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