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Friday, July 06, 2007

Setting targets and making plans

Thursday was Target setting day at school so that meant a lie-in and a long walk up to school.

I don't know why but I have always felt intimidated going along to teacher/parent meetings. I know it is only so that I can keep informed of my children's progress but I never know what to say to the teachers. I feel like it is me who should be responsible for everything that my child does in school and me that should be punished if the4y are not doing well.
OK it is me but I encourage my children as much as I can at home, Once they get to school it is down to them.

So because of my uneasiness with meeting the teachers I usually just make an appointment with the form tutors. DD's Form tutor is fantastic anyway. Having known him now for 4 years I feel comfortable and I know that he has all the information I need. He knows all of his pupils really well and even though he has had a bad couple of years in the way of illnesses and hasn't been there a lot, he still has a lot more to tell me than DS's form tutor who is absolutely useless. Luckily this time, she wasn't available to speak to so DD's form tutor even said he would find out for me what DS's progress is and send me the information. That is what I call a dedicated teacher.

So what did we learn?
DD still refuses to wear her shoes in school and forgets her tie once or twice but she is on course for good grades in all her subjects and provided she applies in good time should get on the courses she wants after Yr 11 with no problems!

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