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Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Before pictures

I know everyone is dying to see this new homestead of ours so here are the before pictures...Before being before we have decorated and moved in. I will do an After post when we are all done and unpacked :)

The Hallway

First bedroom

Second Bedroom

Third bedroom

The kitchen (the washer and cooker will be going)

The lounge

The most exciting part of the house for me is the hatch between the lounge and the dining room and this is the view of the kitchen from the lounge
And the lounge from the kitchen

Oh and the Bathroom (Toilet is separate, didn't think you needed to see that ;-)

After pictures to come once we have moved everything in :-)

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

Wow, looks great Jen... very clean!! And I love the kitchen!!!