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Monday, September 24, 2007

A whole week in one entry

I have not been in any condition this week to blog at all so I will do a whistle stop tour of my week.


Ages ago before I even knew I was moving I offered to help out with a coffee morning to raise money for the PDSA. Although everything was in a mess I didn't want to let anyone down so I got up Tuesday morning and checked the map to find where I was going then went and got the bus. You know what's coming don't you? Yep I got lost. I thought I had it all pinned in my brain. Catch the bus to Iceland then walk in a straight line...It looked a doddle on the map maybe a couple of miles walk but I needed the exercise

Still an hour later I was well and truly lost in Littleover having walked and walked and ending up nearly back home. I ended up having to use my last 10p of credit to text a friend to tell her I was lost. Luckily she came and picked me up so I could make it for the last couple of hours of the coffee morning. Although I didn't seem to do much to help, it was a very successful morning. They made about £100 altogether for the charity and all in 3 hours.

In the afternoon another friend of mine Dot and her boyfriend Al had offered to come up to the old house and help me fetch DS's bed that got left behind on moving day. DD and I had managed to get it apart at the weekend but I was unsure if it would go in Al's car. I needn't have worried because his car really is like a TARDIS. The bed went in no problem and we got it in before the kids were even home from school.

Tuesday night All 3 of us got to work putting the bed back together and then DD and I screwed the lounge door back on the hinges now that we have all the furniture in.


A total waste of a day. I could have done so much yet I spent the whole day twiddling my thumbs at the old place. There are lots of items that we couldn't bring with us:- 2 wall units that used to belong to Mum and Dad, the old chair that Grandma gave me, Old armchair, 2 wardrobes, my bed and a chest of drawers. I had advertised them on Freecycle and arranged for people to come and collect today.

I was up there at 10am and a woman turned up straight away. She took both the wardrobes and Dot and I helped her load them into her car as well as all the good car boot stuff which I was sad to give away as It should have been me making a load of cash off of it not her.
After she had gone no one else turned up. I was glad that I had Dot there to keep me company although she had to go off at 12 for a hospital appointment she came back later. Good Old Dot, she brought back with her a little camping stove and boiled water for us to have Pot Noodles and coffee. I would have gone mad without her and we had a bit of a laugh while we did some cleaning - Well I have to admit Dot did more than me...
I was on my own from 4pm though and time just ticked away so slowly I wondered if I would be stuck there forever. As soon as 6pm came I was outta there.
I stopped at the chippy on the way home to get fish and chips for all of us and collapsed in a heap on the sofa.


This morning I had an interview for The Build-a-bear-workshop. I got there in plenty of time unaware that it was to be a group interview. Sometimes these can be good but I had so much I wanted to talk about with my experience of The AA and McDonald's that I was a little disappointed. It was fun though. We got to play with the bears and we did little group exercises as well as individual activities and after the hour and a half we were in there I thought I acquitted myself rather well. Only time will tell though as I wait for my call on Wednesday. They said that they call you either way so that you know where you are.

Thursday afternoon was my own so I did a little shopping, went to see Debz who had a nice pair of curtains for me and bought a pole for them to go on. I went home had some lunch and put my feet up a bit.

In the evening I had arranged to meet Dot and Al back at the other place to fetch the remaining of our belongings. We met there at about 6.30 and soon got the car loaded up with the first lot. A woman from Freecycle turned up to look at the carpets and ended up taking the bed for her sister which was a bonus. We arranged for her to come back Friday to take the carpets. D&A were back in no time from the first run and they finished off the rest. I had to wait though as they were then going to come back and take all the rest of the car boot stuff to Dots mum's garage where it will live until such a time as we might actually do a car boot ourselves.

I was exhausted by the time I got back home about 8.30 and although I had been starving, I just had some toast and fell asleep.


This was to be my last visit to the old house. I planned to meet Chell there for the carpets then to lock up for the last time. She ended up taking the carpets from the entire house barring the lounge (Damp from the cellar has caused the carpet to be stuck fast to the floorboards)so with a little help from me she ripped all the others up and loaded them into her 4x4. She had to do 2 trips but on the second trip she kindly offered me a lift home where I was just in time to sit down with the kids and watch HSM2. We ordered in Pizza too as a little treat to celebrate finally being a one home family lol

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Sibri said...

Wow what a week. I guess it's such a relief now that you have everything done that you can do. Looking forward to seeing the new place!

Jen said...

We're looking forward to seeing you too :)