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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Birthday time part 2

Today was the actual day of my Dear Niece's 3rd birthday. At the weekend my sister told me they were going to Brewsters for a meal and I was invited if I wanted to go. Unfortunately DD and DS had other plans so it would just be me.

So this afternoon I went down to Ange's house to spend some time with the birthday girl before coming home again to get change for the meal out.
It's not actually called Brewsters any more and it isn't a Brewers fayre either but it does still have the same Kiddies play area which is why it is good for them.

Debz texted me when she was in the taxi as she was picking me up on the way. We got there about 7 and my niece and nephew were already in the play area. I got myself a pint and sat down with the rest of the family. It was quite weird not having DD and DS there but they had made arrangements with friends before they knew this evening was happening.

As I was on my own I thought I would treat myself and have a starter and a main course and if I had some room left maybe a desert too. I ordered Nachos with cheese for my starter and for my main course I asked for the BBQ Chicken. Then I produced my Nectar card like an idiot only to be told that they don't do it anymore.

The Nachos were gorgeous apart from the Jalapeno pepper - I did have a go at eating one but no I won't be trying it again.
The pub was virtually empty so our food arrived very quickly and there was no sitting around waiting like you can get in these places. My Chicken was gorgeous too and there were so many chips that I just couldn't eat them all. So much for my desert plans, I couldn't eat another thing.

The children finished their Pasta very quickly as they wanted to go back in the play area and when it closed at 8pm Ange produced another cake as we all sang happy birthday and my Dear niece got to blow the candles out again. There was lots of cake left and I was able to take a piece home each for DD and DS.

We left the restaurant at about 9pm. Debz and I shared a cab and when I got in I was surprised at all the trick or treat booty that my 2 had picked up. At least I missed out on callers to our door...

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