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Monday, October 22, 2007

A day spent in great company

I have been looking forward to today for ages as my old friend Brian was visiting again. He hasn't been over to Derby since I moved and I was excited to show him the new home as well as take a trip to the new Westfield with him.

I got up early to do a bit of tidying and then left the house at about 10.40am to go meet Brian off his bus. It was very chilly and I was so glad of my big warm coat. Mind you by the time I had walked into town I was sweating a little.

The bus got in right on time although he told me it had left late. We took a walk up through town to the shopping centre.
Bri seemed very impressed and we took a walk around the whole place and even went up to the 3rd floor. The view of the Mall was amazing and yes I took more pictures.

After the grand tour we retired to Costa coffee for one of their extremely large cups of java (With 2 handles) and chatted about what we have been doing recently. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do for lunch so I was hoping that Brian would fancy something in particular but he didn't. In the end we headed for Sainsbury's. I bought some Pizzas and Salad and Gorgeous Taste the difference Ice Cream (2 for £3) Cookies and Cream flavoured and Pavlova then we headed back home.

We watched a bit of Will and Grace and then I got the Blackpool DVDs out. Of course you know I could have sat and watched the whole lot but sadly Brian was on a time constraint because of the buses. He asked if he could watch the last 2 episodes of Skins. I couldn't find my copy anywhere so I downloaded them and burned them to disc. We watched episode 8 (Ahh Sid and Cassie) but I gave him ep9 to take home (Update is that disc was faulty so he still hasn't seen the great finale)

At 6.20pm we set off back into town for him to catch the bus home. I didn't want him to go as the day had gone so quickly but I reluctantly waved bye-bye. I walked up to McDonald's then so I could surprise the kids by taking them burgers back home. Big Macs all round!

Oh yeah DD and her friend also had eventful day as they made a very early start to go to Notts to meet McFLy - Well 1 half of the band anyway. It was Harry and Tom. They set off at 6am and got home about 2pm. They were very happy. DD has now framed her signed cds and vinyl and has them very proudly hung on her bedroom wall.

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Sibri said...

Wow our pics are almost identical. You have such better writting skills than me Jen. I much preferred reading your account than my own ;0)

Jen said...

Thank You :-)