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Monday, November 26, 2007

2 in the morning

I was having trouble sleeping last night. Having just dozed off suddenly I awoke to this loud noise.
I lay for a couple of seconds trying to work out what the noise was before realising it was the doorbell.
I jumped out of bed grabbed my glasses and went to look at the video screen. I couldn't see anything but the bell was ringing again so i ran down the stairs and looked through the spy hole.
There on my doorstep were 2 Police officers.
So what does it mean when police come to your door in the middle of the night?

My heart started beating really fast and thumped through my body. I opened the door just a bit and could hardly talk as I was dreading what they had come to tell me.
You won't believe how relived I was when they said they were looking for someone else. Apparently this person has been reported missing and my home was their last known address. PHEW! I know it is sad that this person has disappeared but you couldn't imagine what was going through my head.

They apologised for getting me up and left.
I couldn't sleep the rest of the night though. I just kept tossing and turning.

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

You would have thought they would've waited until a decent time, wouldn't you?