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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Is it that time of year again already?

I have had quite a good weekend.
OK not including the football scores.
Saturday was a really lazy slob about day where I didn't even get dressed until about 1.30 and that was to go across to a Christmas fayre that was all packed up by the time I got there.
DS was staying at his mate's and left about 3pm and DD was in town.

So I just made jacket wedges for tea for me and DD and we sat with them on our laps while we watched the footie.

In the evening it was the normal TV routine of Robin Hood then Casualty and then we watched the last half an hour of Celebrity jungle. After we saw that Chef guy evicted I put on this weeks episode of Heroes.
I went to bed and watched the season finale of Eureka and episode 8 of Bones.

Sunday was the annual visit of Ange's Godmother Wendy and her husband Charlie. They do just 1 weekend to travel round and visit everyone whilst delivering Christmas presents.

Things haven't been particularly good this year between me and my 2 sisters so it was nice that I was invited along to Ange's house. Wendy said beforehand that if it was too awkward they would have come to mine but I had a really good day. It was nice being with my family. My nephew was very playful and I loved that he wanted to play with me. Even my niece seemed relatively pleased to see me. When I left I even managed kisses from both of them too.

Wendy has recently lost 11 stone after having weight loss surgery and so has a lot of clothes that no longer fit. She has very kindly passed them on to me...All 4 bags of them. So a big chunk of the afternoon was taken up by my sorting through them. I actually brought 3 black bags home with me.

After the guests has left Debz and I stayed for a bit and watched some X-factor until Debz called a taxi to go back home. I would have walked had I not had the 3 black bags of stuff.

When I got home I spent the rest of the day watching Christmas movies with the children.

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

11 Stone!!!! What surgery? I want it!