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Monday, November 05, 2007

A brilliant weekend away

After all that's been happening for the last couple of months I took great delight in visiting My dear friend Brian in Notts for the Weekend.

I left home about 12 and caught the 12.50 express bus through that stops right in the Victoria centre where Bri resides. We met outside Tesco and I nipped in to get us some wine and cake treats before we got the lift up to the 19th floor.

I love Brian's little flat. It is so homely and inviting and the first thing I did was get comfy on the armchair with the huge furry cushion. I am sure that Brian must have thought I was a cheeky bugger just throwing myself down and making myself at home like that.

We spent the first half of Saturday watching DVDs I took with me...Episode 9 of Skins; some more episodes of Blackpool and some random video of David Tennant's previous TV appearances. All whilst scoffing Roses and drinking coffee. Then Bri made tea which was an absolutely yummy curry with rice accompanied by some gorgeous tomato bread. I can't stress enough how fantastic this curry was and I would go to Brian's every weekend for his cooking alone. It is always lovely to be waited on don't you think.

After tea it was time for X Factor. I wasn't particularly looking forward to this part of the evening as I gave up these kind of shows years ago but I confess I enjoyed it. I got right into it and gave my critique on every act. I even got a bit nervous as we sat back down to watch the results show and did actually feel like hiding behind the cushion. I probably won't be watching anymore of the show but I have to add that although there is some considerable talent in the show, I think the only act that has any career miles is the girl band "Hope" They have the ability not just for singing but for performing too and I think that they could well give Girls Aloud a run for their money.

The rest of the evening we enjoyed the many many firework displays from all over the East Midlands as can be seen from Brian's window.

(OK so you can't see the fieworks but the view is fantastic)

Bri asked if I wanted to watch a DVD and I chose The Pursuit of Happyness starring Will Smith and his son Jaden. This is the most incredibly sad movie I have ever seen. Only right at the end do you get to breath out again as it finally happens for the family. I had a huge lump in my throat all the way through.

After the movie I was showing Bri how to use his Statcounter account by looking up stats and recording IP addresses etc...

I think we retired to bed about 1am.

On Sunday we planned to go to the cinema to see Death at a funeral .We got up at about 10ish and tried to set up Brian's VCR. Ha there's me saying it would be so easy yet the darned thing wouldn't play ball. He managed to get it tuned into the TV so he could play videos on it but I just couldn't tune in the Freeview box. Now I know you are supposed to view it through the Scart but it should also be possible to tune into it through the aerial. I gave up before I chucked the bloody remote at it. It is obvious that TVs now need to be made with at least 4 scart sockets on the back.
You can see the movie theatre from Bri's window so although the film started at 12.40, we didn't leave until 12.30. I have never been to a Cineworld before. It is more expensive than Showcase and the actual theatre was tiny. The seats are like aeroplane seats.
The film was excellent. I don't usually like these kind of farce movies but it was an English film and it starred Kris Marshall. It was hilarious! I don't think I have laughed out loud so much in the cinema ever. It was real belly laugh stuff. The dialogue as well as the action was very funny and kept you sniggering the whole way through.

After the film it was back to Brian's for an hour or so before I had to get my bus back home and back to being mum.

I got home about 4.30pm. DS was at Ange's and staying there for tea and DD was here with her friend doing computer stuff. So I could just relax on the sofa before getting tea for me and DD.

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