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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

We have Wireless

My brand new Wireless router arrived this morning HALLELUJAH!!!!
It has been a complete nightmare these past few weeks since our netplug system broke. Back to the old days of everyone fighting to get onto the PC.

So I purchased a cheap router from Amazon and I have been awaiting it's arrival with nervous excitement - Seriously that is how exciting my life is!

Of course when it arrived all did not so smoothly. First of all it didn't come with a network cable so I had to go into town and pay £5 at Maplins for one (Incidentally I found out yesterday they have them at IC for £1 D'OH)
Then when I finally got home and set it all up it wouldn't work first time and I got severely aerated with the whole thing but eventually I got it all up and running and now it is Thunderbirds are go!! I can get online wirelessly from my laptop and my PSP and DS can get online with his Wii and his DS and most importantly really DD can get online on her laptop meaning the end to all arguments. (Except when we both want to download from MU but that is neither here nor there)

By the way I am posting this from the main PC cos I have left my laptop in my bedroom LOL!

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