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Monday, January 21, 2008

Day One

So my first day on my new "Gateway to work" course.
Everyone kept asking if I was nervous but it was more apprehension than nerves.

I got there early enough and then was left to sit in the canteen for half an hour as people drifted in.
We were finally taken for our induction at about 10am. This included a long tour around the floor that the training agency is on first then we were all shown into a classroom where we had lots of forms to fill in and dotted lines to sign on. There were about 15 of us but we were all there for different courses. Once the group had been split, there were only 4 of us doing the Business Admin course. The others went off with their tutors but then we found out that our tutor is off sick so we went with someone else for the time being.

There ended up being just 2 of us left - Me and another woman called Sarah. It was soon lunchtime and Sarah asked if I wanted to go out to the Baked potato van so I said yes. I bought myself a potato with cheese and we brought them back to the canteen to eat.

After lunch we were put to work on our CVs. This is something that needs a lot of work for me so I relished the task. I have done no paid work in the last 10 years but there is so much detail for the jobs I did do previously to remember.

The afternoon went so quick and it was soon 2.30 and time for me to pack up and go home. I am only on part time hours for now and everyone else stays until 4pm. I may change in the coming weeks but we will have to see.

I know it is only a short day and I am not doing any actual physical work but it is still so exhausting. I got home and just slumped on the sofa. I think it is going to take me a while to get into a routine. I really don't know how working mothers manage it. If I had the cash I would send the kids out for tea as I just don't have the energy to go cook now (OMG its only day 1)

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