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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

RIP Heath

I am still shocked and stunned at today's news.
I heard Moyles talking about it this morning but didn't catch who they were talking about until he got a few texts saying the same thing and then when I heard it was Heath I just froze and my jaw dropped.

News article

I am sure I have mentioned several times in this blog about my love of Heath Ledger.
I first saw him in 10 things I hate about you and then in A Knight's tale I then started to try and get hold of his other movies. I have Two hands which was one of his earlier movies made in Australia. I also own The Patriot and Ned Kelly. Ned Kelly was a double whammy as it also stars Orlando Bloom but it isn't the fastest moving movie and just like The Patriot - Heath dies before the end. (Ooops! sorry if that is a spoiler)

I have seen a few of his other movies too but I haven't seen Brokeback Mountain which appears to be his most Well-known movie by those outside of the Heath Ledger fan club. Another of his films I didn't much care for was Monster's Ball. It was a bit on the violent side.

At the age of 28 Heath had already done so much but he still had so much more to give to the movie industry

RIP HEATH! Will be mourning your sad loss.

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