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Thursday, January 24, 2008

End of my first week

2.30 came this afternoon and I almost found myself skipping out of the classroom.
For the first time this week we actually got to meet our tutor Bridget. It also meant I could get started on the coursework which isn't what I thought it would be and includes a lot of reading to complete the tasks. It is very interesting but I had to read over several times.

I realised something though today, I am not as adept in Microsoft programs as I thought I was. In a couple of the tasks we had to draw charts. I knew that I should just use Excel for that but I just couldn't remember what to do at all. In the end I decided I may as well print out the questions and draw...YES DRAW the charts myself by hand.

I more or less finished the first unit on my first day but I didn't declare it as I want to be able to check all through it first before I hand it in for marking.

I was a bit annoyed in the afternoon as I missed the workshop because I finish at 2.30. I hope that isn't going to happen all the way through as otherwise I am not going to get the full effect of the course. I might just have to switch to full-time if it is going to be a problem.

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