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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Gas engineers, Teachers and Hunky Firemen

The gas engineer arrived quite quickly so he was finished in good time for me to get some housework done and do my jobsearch. As I had phoned TBG to say I wasn't coming in I thought there was no point in going just for 2 hours. Jobsearch is pretty easy to get done at home on the Internet.

I made myself a home-made pizza for lunch then it was off to school to meet with the careers teacher. As you know I was very worked up about DS options fiasco and I was ready for a fight. Unfortunately nothing I could say would change the situation. The teacher wasn't particularly accommodating and he was one of those that talked down to me like I was one of his pupils. During the interview DS got very upset and started crying but the teacher didn't seem bothered - Then he announced that the children also have to make another choice. He shoved 5 pieces of paper in our faces and said DS has to choose another subject from the 5 and give a 2 and 3 as well. Poor DS was totally overwhelmed and although I protested that this wasn't fair, the teacher said that it has to be done now.

Finally he agreed that DS and I could have half an hour to discuss it and for him to choose. It wasn't easy, I wanted to just walk out of the building taking DS with me but finally he made a decision that may or may not have been the right one.
I am unsure now whether to let it lie or whether to write to the governors to express my disgust at how the whole situation has been handled.

In the evening we had a visit from the fire service. Nothing serious, just the regular fire safety checks. Now why is it that all the people I have told today have replied with "Were they hunky?"
Well I wouldn't say Hunky exactly but the one that did all the talking was quite nice.
He just went through the checklist with me which took about 15 minutes and they were gone. Our flat passed the examination and our next is due in 10 years.

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Anonymous said...

i have never met a cute fireman...

Sibri said...

Come on Jen, where has your fight gone!!!

Get writing to the Governors NOW!!!!