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Sunday, March 02, 2008


This morning I was awoken by my loverly children with breakfast in bed. This consisted of toast and coffee and a chocolate digestive flapjack. Along with the breakfast was a huge card and pink Rose and a present - The 3DVD set of the TV show "The Long way Round". If anyone didn't see the show - Ewan McGregor and his lifelong friend Charley Boorman road motorbikes from London to New York via Eastern Europe. It was a fantastic show and I have watched the whole series a couple of times when it has been repeated on SKY 3. However the DVD has loads of footage that was never shown on TV as well as other extra bits so I will look forward to sitting down and watching it sometime.

I am being lazy and writing this in bed while listening to JK & Joel on my laptop.
Nan will be ringing soon anyway :)

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