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Monday, March 10, 2008

I want that job

Interview number 2 today.
It was with a local recruitment agency initially for the job as Ticket office assistant at Pride Park.
Typically it started to chuck it down as I left the house and I was very bedraggled by the time I arrived.

Not much to report really. I filled out the required paperwork and then went through my CV with the recruitment consultant as she asked me questions about my previous jobs and my training course. She asked me what kind of work I would be willing to take and what I wouldn't want to take.
I was there over an hour and the whole thing went really well but of course, this is their job isn't it. Recruitment consultants interview people for a living so of course they are good at it.
I was there for about an hour and guess what? As I was leaving, The rain started again. I was soaked by the time I got home.
So lets see what that brings up...

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