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Saturday, March 22, 2008

One week multi-post

Where did that week go? I can't believe it is a whole 7 days since I celebrated my birthday. It has been go all week.

I got some lovely pressies. Debz and Shell bought me some shot glasses for my flavoured Voddies as well as some vodka and chocolate to make up some more. Aero mint Vodka is my next target.
Zoe and Tori bought me these gorgeous candles

They are vanilla and smell absolutely goreous - even when not lit.

My loverly friend Brian bought me a DT Doctor Who figure from The Wire episode. How brilliant is that. My very own David Tennant doll to do with what I will!

He also gave my soul card in a frame.

The piece de resistance of my presents was ultimately from my friend Dot as she spent the whole week at my house tiling my bathroom. It looks fab!!



I seem to have spent the rest of the week recovering from the weekend and clearing up the mess bit by bit each day.

Tuesday afternoon I had an interview at Derby County for the ticket office. It was quite awesome, going into the stadium and being taken up into one of the private boxes. I was offered a drink with a choice of juices, water or wine (non-alcoholic). The interview itself was very intnese and I panicked slightly as I realised I hadn't prepared as much as I should have done. I struggled with a couple of the questions because I just fell apart inside. I managed to get through though and then was shown to the ticket office to have the practical part of the interview.
I was shown how to use the software and had a couple of practise goes. I was very nervous and although it was very simple I did make a couple of stupid mistakes. I was so relieved when I could leave and felt rather stupid but at least it was over.

I haven't heard from them although DS said they rang Thursday they havn't rang back so either they gave the position to someone else or they will ring back Tuesday...Here's hoping because I need to get out of TBG now. I have done the coursework and jobsearch is futile if you are doing it every single day. I need work and they are useless at getting my a placement.

Its Bank Holiday weekend now. Good Friday was spent catching up on the tv we have missed. That was Sport Relief, Moving Wallpaper, Echo Beach, 2 eps of Reaper and American Dad.
I still have a few movies to catch up on too so hoping to do that Sunday/Monday.

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