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Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's over

Today was my last day at TBG. Nothing special really.

I got all the waffle about being sorry they couldn't have found me a job and how the recruitment department let me down. Clive did tell me though that he still believes I have what it takes to find the right job. He reckons he is going to ring me in a few weeks but I will believe that when I see it. They have so many coming and going that they find it difficult to keep tabs on them at the best of times.

I do feel let down slightly that so many promises were made before I started but not really any effort was made.
It was great for the first couple of months while I was busy with the coursework but after that was finished it went downhill. I thank god that there were some great people who I had a real good laugh with and made it worth my while going in everyday.

In the afternoon they made me stand in front of the class while they all cheered and clapped for me and then waved byebye. It is a Friday afternoon ritual when someone leaves apparently.
I feel weird now knowing that that is it but I have made a couple of really good friends who I intend to stay in touch with which makes it all worth it...

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