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Monday, May 26, 2008

Eurovision or Sing it yourself

Saturday night we were invited to a party at my sister Debz place. She has just taken in a new lodger and it was a kind of welcoming to her. Mind you I didn't hardly see her all night as she was in the front room playing Darts with the men. The rest of us women sat in the front room chatting.

On the TV was the Paramount comedy channel. At one point there was only me and DD sat there so I grabbed the remote and put BBC1 on for the Eurovision. Even though everyone said I was sad for putting it on, they all sat there commenting on the songs and critiquing the performances. We missed the UK entry but it was fun to see what load of tripe all the other countries was serving up.

We came to the conclusion that no one needs to try very hard these days as they know that whatever crap they do they will get all the votes from their neighbouring countries anyway. I really don't know why we (the UK) even take part anymore as we know no one (except Ireland) is going to give us any votes.

There were 2 that I enjoyed -those being Greece and Latvia. I thought Latvia had a good chance as they were dressed as Pirates and the song was very upbeat and fun.

Well we did get 14 points those were given from Ireland and San Marino. I think for next year we should get Madonna to sing for us. It is the only way we will get any points - Well the winning song from Russia was produced by Timberland.

After the Eurovision finished it was time to get the Singstar out. Zoe and Tori left the party so it was just the family and Rachael.
We did Teams with me DS and Ange versus Debz, Carl and Rachael.
In the team game you do 1 v 1 then a duet then pass the mic which is hard because you never know who is next and they have to start from the line with sometimes there not being a break.
The micro medley is even harder because you get a line from each song but you may not know the song at all and you don't get any chance to get the melody in your head. Harsh.

We played 2 team games and the score was 1 all.

It was about 3am when we left Debz. We walked Ange home as she had my niece in the pushchair. It was very cold and windy going home very spooky too as we walked through the dark empty streets.

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