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Friday, May 23, 2008

Police Drama

On Wednesday about 7pm I got up to go to the kitchen and noticed a police car at the front of the building on the main road (Parked right in front of my window) I went through to the kitchen to see another Police car arriving in the car park. A policeman got out and hurriedly walked through the gitty whilst putting an ear piece in.

Over the next hour I spent the time going from window to window to see what was happening. The Police helicopter arrived and hovered overhead. Several more police arrived as well as the forensics team.

Later I saw 2 policemen escort a youth to the car and drive off. Eventually the helicopter and the police cars disappeared but an officer remained stood at the front until it got dark.

Drama over we could only speculate what had gone on. It obviously wasn't the local reprobates as they were all stood around and nonplussed as to what was happening.

Later that night As I sat watching TV I heard a loud bang outside and went to look out the window as I heard someone shout. I went outside to look as I was concerned about Pica being outside. I couldn't see anything except for the local fox so thought maybe that had knocked a bin over.

I am really confused now because the DET reports this

There is no mention of the events of earlier in the evening and unfortunately I don't know anyone round here to even ask.
So the noise I heard was the shotgun going off but I didn't hear or see any Police at that time and Pica seems to have lived through it (Probably hidden under a car) It is becoming very worrying that something like that has happened right on my doorstep. When I lived in Normanton these sort of things were expected but I never had anything like this.

To be honest the part of the estate where this took place is a no go area for us. Even my DD says she avoids walking through that area and would much rather add 10 minutes onto the walk than go that way. You are likely to have abuse thrown at you as well as missiles.

I do like a bit of drama but when it is so close to home and involves guns it does shake you a little. I am only glad that my 2 are sleeping over at friends' tonight.

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

How scary!