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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Talk about hot

Saturday night I was off out to watch my sis and her hubby play netball in a charity tournament.
It was so hot, when I was trying to put my make-up on it was just slipping off. I was actually even wearing a summery sleaveless top and beige summer trousers but it didn't stop me getting hot and bothered.

I had thought that Ange said it started at 5.45 so I set off about 5.15 only to get there and find no one that I knew. I checked the text message from her only to find I was an hour early. I thought about siting in the bar for an hour with a nice cold drink but instead walked back to the Marketplace and sat there in the sun.

A random group of students came along and sat nearby. One of them had a guitar and started just playing. It was lovely. I was sat in the sun by the water feature with this lovely summery background music. I was glad I had come here to pass the time.

I set back off to the sports centre at 6.15 and then went and had a drink in the bar. I saw my sister arrive so went to join everyone.

It was really packed with people and there wasn't much space to sit down. We had to taske it in turns to sit at the table. It was up to Debz and I to keep watch on the children while their mummy and daddy played.

There were 6 teams in each little league. The teams are 6 aside and they have to have at least 2 guys in the team.
Each game was 8 minutes 1 way. The only thing with this is that there is a long time in between each game and it makes for a long night.

Unfortunately for us "Press Gang" didn't have any luck all night. In the first game the referee seemed to be confused about the actual rules of the tournament and the opposing team were taking too many liberties. It also didn't help that the scoreboard was broken and the refs didn't seem to have the hang of keeping their own score.

The semi final was to be played at 9.38pm - needless to say we were leaving by 9.40pm.
The last 2 games were very exciting with end to end action. I didn't realise that a game of Netball could have you on the edge of the seat like that.

Ange and Rob were knackered and dripping with sweat. What a way to lose a stone in a couple of hours.

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