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Monday, May 19, 2008

Hostel part 2

I sat down Friday afternoon to watch Hostel 2.
I saw the first movie on Sky last year and have been looking forward to the 2nd part ever since.

I was a bit disappointed for most of it but it really caught up with it's daddy movie about half way through and the end was just the best end to a film I have ever seen.

The first movie follwed a group of male American back-packers on their travel so this sequel took on 3 girls. just like the first movie, they were enticed to The Hostel by a beautiful person with great promises.

There is a bit of a twist with an extra element this time because we see the other side with 2 of the paying clients at the factory.

These 2 anti-heroes, if you will, should have us screaming chants of hate but they almost seem human and quite humorous. You have to see it to understand...without me telling you the story I can't really describe

Watch out for the first killing, Its a sick one and I even had to cover my eyes. It involves 2 naked women, a Scythe and lots of blood.

I spent a couple of great hours watching the extras after the movie and I have come to the conclusion that I really like Eli Roth. He is a great director and a great guy too. I am definitely going to get hold of Cabin fever.

Stumble UponStumble it!

1 comment:

Sibri said...

Can't wait to come and watch em Jen!