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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Too Hot!

The weather in this country goes from the sublime to the ridiculous.
Last week we were freezing our bits off with the wind and rain and hail stones as big as mini vans.

This week we are all melting as the temperature is in the 20s.

I had all the windows open but that means the threat of crawlies and insects. I was sat here talking on the phone and this huge Wasp flew in through the window. I only had it open on the narrow setting so then I had to try get the Wasp out without aggravating it. I have been stung several times in the past by angry Wasps and it isn't pleasant.

Later on another Wasp came in through the kitchen window but luckily it went back out of its own accord.

Night time is the worst. It is too hot to have the duvet on and I just can't get comfortable.
I am not complaining about the better weather but would prefer it not to be extreme.

Stumble UponStumble it!


Sibri said...

Remember my paralyzing fear of Moths?? Well, since moving here I can have my windows open and the lights on with no problems. I don't think they fly this high or see my lights, to be attracted! It's great... I do get the odd fly though :(

I wonder if wasps and bee's can fly this high, as I haven't had any of them either?

Jen said...
