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Thursday, May 29, 2008

What happens in the movie theatre...

For years our family trips to the cinema have been Disney films, Rugrats, Harry Potter and of course Pirates. Now that my 2 are now in their teens there is a lot more choices with more adult humor on offer.

We did plan to go Wednesday to see Made of Honor but couldn't work it around DS' paper round and the England Vs US game on TV in the evening. Instead we had more time to plan to go tonight.
Part of the trip out was also to sample the brand new Showcase Delux in the Westfield centre.
Unfortunately Made of honor was no longer playing so we chose to see What happens in Vegas.

The movie stars Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz as a couple who get married in Vegas within 4 hours of meeting. They come home to New York and realise they made a big mistake and go about trying to get a quickie divorce. Unfortunately the judge tries to make an example of them and won't grant the divorce until they have made an attempt to make the marriage work.

We set off from home really early for saying that town is only 15 minutes away but I wanted to get there in good time and have a look round as it was all new.

The place is huuuuge. From the top floor of the Westfield you go up 2 more escalators to get to the main floor of the cinema itself where there is the box office and main food stands. There is also a bar restaurant which is a great way for them to get more money out people I guess. It was pretty busy so it works.
I went to buy my tickets and they asked where I want to sit...BLOODY HELL I have to make choices at the pictures now??!!! I said somewhere in the middle but I didn't know that it was a case of having to sit where they tell you.

To get to the cinema that we were in we had to go up 2 more escalators. We walked through the big doors and past 2 staff members busy chatting towards the door. As we were going in one of the chatting staff shouted to us "Do you have tickets?" he took our tickets and said "You are somewhere near the back"

We walked into the cinema and although it was 20 minutes to start time it was very dark. We scrambled along to find Our seats but as we couldn't see in the dark I don't think we were sat in the right place.

As we sat waiting for the presentation to start more customers were coming in but they were being shown to their seats by ushers. by the time the main presentation started the room was pretty full.

The movie itself was brilliant. Very funny and not as obvious an ending as I would have thought. Of course we had the gorgeous Ashton to drool at all the way through and his chemistry with Ms Diaz was very believable.

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole film and the kids did too. It was a bit weird seeing a grown up RomCom with them at the cinema but there'll be a lot more choices in future.

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

I might go and ee this on Sunday now, hanks for the inspiration as I probably wouldn't have bothered otherwise!