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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God!!!

I was looking forward to seeing last night's Doctor who the 2nd part of the big Series finale.
I wasn't prepared though for what was to unfold before my eyes.

First of all I could feel my heart breaking as Rose witnessed the coming together of the companions with none of them aware that she was there too and no one seemed to give her a second thought. Tears were rolling down my actual cheek as she couldn't get them to hear or see her - Even with the will of the Nobles.

I loved that cheesey old scene with Rose and the doctor running towards each other, all we needed was some cheesey music like the theme from Love Story.

This is a muddled ramble I apologise but I want to get all my thoughts down as they come.

It was great to see Ianto and Gwen from Torchwood and we still got the Jack Ianto relationship.

Jack: I met a soldier in a bar, long story.
Ianto: When was this?

Bill was worried about the rating of the show but for kids and peeps that don't watch Torchwood it would have gone right over their heads. For us it was funny.
I also loved it when Doctor/Donna saw the multiscreen and Donna said of Jack "Who's he" in a lustful way and the Doctor replied "He's Captain Jack and don't - Just don't"

Of course the implosion of the Internets has been caused by this

My head has been in a complete whirl since seeing this. I did watch it at 3am and fell asleep with loads of theories whizzing through my head. God knows what I dreamed but I woke up in a sweat.

I have calmed down now though because the BBC have a few images on their site that have made me even more excited about the final episode.

Before I go I just want to quote from the journal of someone who's writing on this someone I really respect.

On the other hand something felt a bit off about the regeneration. We didn't get even a glimpse of Eleven, which means if there is a new Doctor the BBC are giving themselves the headache of trying to cover up his identity for a whole week when everyone's been tipped off that there's someone to look out for. There's been rumours about Tennant actually splitting into multiple Doctors, and Dalek Caan calling him "the Threefold Man" could be suggesting this. There was an establishing shot in the teaser of Ten's "old" hand in the jar, and they brought him into the TARDIS for his regeneration where the dark street would have been a much more spectacular setting (this could just be 'cause it's easier to film the morph on a set, or it could be so he'd be close to the hand, which could interfere with the regeneration.) Then there's his last lines - Eccleston got "Before I go I want you to know you were fantastic, absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was I." And all Tennant gets is "I'm sorry... it's too late... I'm regenerating." I just don't see RTD missing his chance to give Ten an iconic last line. And of course, we have last year's finale, and RTD's unfortunate liking for pressing the Magical Reset Button of Arse. This all makes me worry we might get Donna travelling back and sacrificing herself to save Ten or something. I don't know. I want for this to be a real regeneration and for the production team to have pulled off this amazing coup. I think it'll turn out to be something else entirely. We'll see.

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

I agree, there is just something not right about it!

Can't believe we have to wait a whole week to find out.

Well done though cast and crew of DW for keeping all of this under wraps!

Best series finale by far... and we're not even at the end yet!