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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lunch girls on tour

As you know my friend Lisa and I like to meet up about once a month and go for lunch.

This time around we thought it would be lovely to go further afield to Burton-on-Trent where there is a Chinese buffet restaurant called Wing Wah. I have heard a lot of good things about it in the past. Lots of people travel out there regularly just to go there so it was worth giving it a try.
A little sweetener to the deal was that Lisa had collected tokens to get a free bus trip to and from Burton. DEAL!!

I met Lisa at 11.30am and we caught the bus which took about 20 minutes. I had checked out beforehand where it was and according to the bus route map, the bus stopped right outside - However this didn't seem to be the case...All because of roadworks the bus had to take a detour so when we got off in Burton, we were a bit lost. After a short while though we did find it.

The place was huge inside and bother the food area and the bar were in the shape of Ships.

I wasn't all that impressed with the choice of food to be honest. They did have sesame toasts which I have missed as they don't have them in Wokmania.
There was Garlic bread, Chicken balls, bbq spare ribs, prawn crackers, spring rolls, fried chicken and lemon chicken in the starters. The lemon chicken was very dry though.

The main courses were a bit better. There was a good selection of curries, sweet & sour Chicken and Pork, Rice, Noodles, Lots of beef dishes, Pork dishes and chicken dishes. There was enough for us to have to have 2 trips to the main course area.
We also went halves on a bottle of wine to drink with our meal which was gorgeous - I am not really knowledgable about wines as you know but It was a medium sweet wine which was very nice.

The desserts at Win Wah were the most disappointing I have come across. There was a chocolate fountain but it wasn't working - I know it was lunchtime but the place was heaving so I still don't understand why they wouldn't have it on.
There was a soft Ice-cream machine but to go with it only a couple of jellies, some cornflake cakes, Oranges and Apples. No gateaux or sponge cake or Strawberries or grapes to be seen makes for a dull pudding.

We sat chatting for a while finishing our wine and had a good laugh.

(None of the other buffets we have been to so far have offered us finger bowls)

We took a walk through Burton's main shopping centre to get a drink as it was so hot and we were both very thirsty, we made our way to the bus stop and didn't have to wait long for the bus to Derby.

Once back in Derby we headed for the nearest pub which was a Wetherspoons and they have a nice little terrace to sit on. It was really nice. Mind you the view of Babbington lane isn't very inspiring

We stayed there drinking and chatting and laughing until about 7.30pm then we said our goodbyes and headed home.

Next time we are going even further afield as Lisa is booking us on a organised bus trip out for the day. Something to look forward to as well as the trips out I am hoping to have with the kids.

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1 comment:

Shelly said...

Hi Jembie.

I see you like the chinese/cantonese buffet's. Have you tryed Wok1 on monk street. They are pretty reasnoble on price and the buffet is quite good. You also get a starter of duck with pancakes and dip. You can also ask for a jug of water between you if you need it. And they do a fab desert table. With Gateux, fruit, Jelly, Ice cream etc.

Hugz Shelly x