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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Car boot sale Sunday

We were up at the crack of Dawn today to go down to the Derby Cattle Market for the Sunday Car Boot.

As we walked towards the Cattle market we passed people coming back laden with lots of random stuff. Stuff like lawnmowers, standard lamps, barbecues, record players, bags of clothes, mirrors, framed painting and the list goes on and on.
The walk is long but the anticipation is great.
We got there around 9am and the place was heaving.

There are cars parked everywhere and so we try to walk round with some kind of method so that we don't miss anything. In some instances it is impossible though so we had to go back on ourselves.

It took us a couple of hours to see everything, I say everything although that is impossible. You have some people with big trolleys or prams that hog the stalls and you just can't get anywhere near.

Of course even though I had money in my purse, I didn't buy anything other than a bag of donuts. Bill bought a tile coaster with Cybermen on for 50p and DS bought a book of Urban legends for 20p.

On the way home we walked alongside the river Derwent and the beautiful river gardens of Derby. It is one of the most gorgeous parts of Derby City and makes you forget all the ugliness for a while.

We stopped off at McDonald's for a milkshake then got home around 12.30pm.
I was so bored for the rest of the day because we had been up so early.

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