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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Batman The Dark Knight

Today DS and I went to the cinema to watch the movie that I have been long awaiting - The Dark Knight -
Monday night we sat and watched Batman begins in readiness for it and I have to say I was suitable warmed to Christian Bale as the Batman himself. But As many people my biggest anticipation was at seeing Heath Ledger as The Joker.

We were using the Orange Wednesday 241 offer which is a deal because it cost £5.25 for the 2 of us to get in. As it was so cheap I treated DS to some cinema popcorn which I wouldn't normally as we had already brought our own pop and chocolates but don't tell Bill *SHUSHHHH*

The movie more or less follows on from where Batman Begins ends. Heath didn't disappoint, in fact I had tears running down my cheeks because this role shows what an awesome actor he really was. I can see how the whole part of the Joker got him depressed. He was totally submerged in the role. The darkness of the character was really creepy and the quirky mannerisms especially the lip-licking were a especially creepy.

In the height of the movie I was totally absorbed. So much so that I didn't even bother with the chocolates I had brought with me.

Christian Bale is Excellent as Batman and the most convincing yet as Bruce Wayne. I think he is my new Hollywood crush ;)

I was disappointed that Katie Holmes was not in it as Rachael however the actress they got to replace her... Maggie Gyllenhaal (sister of Jake) was a good replacement as she has the same look as Holmes and the same huge eyes. She played the part well and I would believe anyone if they said they didn't realise it was a different actress.

You know I hate to give anything away in my reviews so plot-wise I am keeping schtum!

At the end of the movie I felt like someone had walloped me in the face. POW! A real rollercoster ride of a film and thoroughly enjoyable.

I will definitely be wanting the DVD and I would even go see it again (Anything just to stare at Mr Bale for a while *WHISTLE* )

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i still wish Katie Holmes had stayed on board as Rachel Dawes for the Dark Knight; it was like the time spent getting familiar with her character in Batman Begins was wasted...