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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Drinking in the afternoon

An exchange of text messages with Lisa in the morning and at 2pm we were meeting outside the Standing Order pub in town.

It was really busy when we got in there so we found a table near the door and later moved onto sit by the window and then later still moved into a booth in the main part of the pub.

This was a most surreal afternoon. I don't think we have laughed so hard ever, And over what? exchanging wedding stories! I am sure that in the 10 years we have known each other we have shared our stories before but there was just something in the air this time.

We evern both shed a tear or 2. Not because we got sad but I think the conversation and the drink made us both a little emotional.

It was another of those times when hours past like minutes. Before I knew where I was it was approaching 7pm. I hadn't said I was going to be this late so a swift text to the kids to feed themselves and I relaxed a little.

Unfortunately a guy from Lisa's past turned up. He had also turned up in the pub the last time we were out but it was only a coincidence I can assure you. Converstaion started light hearted enough and he even bought us both a drink but then it got a bit deep and political and Lisa made signs that we should go. We said our goodbyes and left the pub at around 8.30pm
Lisa was so worked up that she didn't want to go home and suggested we should go to May Sum for something to eat. Sadly I didn't have enough cash but she offered to pay.

It was a lovely way to end the evening but I felt obliged to eat as Lisa was paying for it all although I felt quite sick. I did try sushi for the first time though and had to have the Prawn toasts - I have missed them as they haven't been present at our recent Chinese meals. I had a couple of main dishes before making sure I took advantage of the Ice cream and Chocolate fountain.

We left the restaurant at way after 10pm and it was about 10.35 when I got home. I was a little worried about Lisa as she had to walk to the bus station and wait but she wouldn't let me come with her so I just stood and watched her go off into the night.

I felt really ill when I got home and I woke with a humongous hangover but it was all worth it :)

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