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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jumping in or maybe jumping out

I am still on a high from Tuesday night so It is Alistair Griffin and nothing else at the moment.
It's weird remembering back to 2/3 years ago when it was always like that. I never had the radio or TV on as I would always have Griffin on the stereo or on a video of one of the gigs on.

Of course there isn't really any new stuff to listen to since Alistair banned recordings of his gigs. Same for video recordings. Saying that how many bands say no recording but people still do it? Alistair's fans are loyal to the end and if he says no more recording then that is it, they won't. It is a shame as I would really like to hear those 2 new songs properly and get to know them.

I was thinking about the first time Al played Something's going On and how I couldn't stop singing it for a week after but I can't even remember how those 2 new tracks go and if I will get to another gig to concentrate on learning them. Now if Al would get his act together and maybe sell cds at gigs like Paper Heroes did or make it available online or something...

Anyhow, I found this photo on my phone. I don't even remember taking it. There was another one of Alistair too and one of Brian and Tim randomly but I will just share this one which I think is quite arty looking with the lights any everything.

And here is the video I took on my phone of Silent Suicide

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can see a video of the whole of Alistair's recent performance on the Truck Stage at Scarborough Beached Festival here: