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Sunday, September 21, 2008

A -Team meets Bleh team

Saturday night we went to a birthday bash for Glynn at his sister in law Tori's house.

When we arrived everyone was in the garden and at first we had trouble finding the gate round the side but once we had been directed to the right place we found Ange, Debz, Dear Niece and Nephew and the rest of the gang inside.

I brought along my Vodka that Ange brought me back from hols and a 2 litre bottle of Dr Pepper to go with it as Sainsburys didn't have Cherry Coke or Diet Cherry.

It was nice to stand around in the garden in the balmy night air, chatting with my sisters drinking Vodka while the kids all played on the swing set and with the football. I couldn't wait for the food though as I was starving. I knew there would be a good spread as it is what Tori does best.

Later Glynn's Mum and Dad and Sisters and other members of his family arrived. They didn't stay long though which was fortunate as there was just nowhere to go. Tori's house isn't big and there was just too many people. Even the garden was crowded.

I had a minor fall out with Bill when she knocked my drink all over me. It was an accident but she was very careless and I (And my beloved Alistair Tote bag) was covered in Vodka and DP. Yes I did get angry and then she had a strop as If I was the one in the wrong. She threatened to leave but as she didn't have her key and I wouldn't give her mine she was stuck.

I don't see Zoe and Glynn very often and each time I do their new baby seems to have grown double. She is 3 months now and smiling and giggling. Zoe showed me some lovely pictures of her and her big sister.

Of course I don't know who it was but someone mentioned the A-team which is Glynn's favourite subject...In fact I would say he proved that he was a real A-team geek! Naming all the actors and their character names and little unknown fact about the show and it's cast. It was interesting though to see Glynn come to life and become so animated and excited by this show.

Everything ended a bit abruptly when Tori's son had a bit of a paddy and the best thing to do was to leave so we went round to Ange's for about an hour but the only thing there is her nextdoor neighbour who is a right grump and complains about the slightest noise.

I was extremely tired anyway so we left just after 1am. I couldn't wait to get home to me bed.

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