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Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm on a budget here

I realise it is just 4 weeks to my holiday and I don't even have the money saved for spends! So I had to take drastic action...

With the help of MSE and in particular this thread I put together an evening meal planner from now until I go away next month.
I started off going through my freezer and cupboards first to see what I already had in then worked out what else I would need to buy.

Then I went on My to see where the cheapest place to get it would be and it told me that Asda was the cheapest for my list by £2.

So off I went to Asda with my list to get my vital items.

I spent £17 all together because not on my list was cat food and milk and they had a special on Ragu sauces - normally £1.38 each they are currently 2 for £1 (I know work that out!)
I was well chuffed. Now I know that I don't have to worry about tea from now until we go away as my meal planner is up on the fridge. So the kids know what we are having too and won't need to ask "What's for tea?" all the time.

I am going to bulk cook some mince and freeze it ready for Stuff like Bolognaise, Lasagne, fajitas. I also plan to do a lot more of utilising leftovers.

So all I have to worry about buying now are bits and pieces like milk and cat food and top-ups of lunch and breakfast fodder. I have lots of flour and yeast in already so of course I will be baking my own bread. I can easily save about £30 a week though from now to holiday if I don't find myself in tempting situations...

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