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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Going back to the 80s

As it's Half term, me old friend Brian came over yesterday to stay over. Although he only ever stays for 24 hours and I would really like it to be longer than that.

I met him off the bus at about 11.45 and he took me for lunch at May Sum. As you know I was a Chinese buffet freak for a while but have been for ages so it was nice to go back.
Here's what I had to eat...

We had a real good chat while we were dining. I love getting together with Brian because sometimes when we are talking there are certain things that you don't even have to say and he understands straight away.

The Desserts section was amazing this time around too. The Chocolate fountain was going and there was 3 choices of ice cream (choc, vanilla,strawberry) with Marshmallows and different biscuits too. As it was the middle of the day though I didn't have the capacity for much of the cake.

After lunch we made our way back to my house, calling at the shop on the way back for drinks and munchies. I felt a bit bad as Brian paid for lunch and then bought the alcohol. I don't think I even said Thank you so THANKS MATE!!!!!!!

We got into a bit of a nostalgia trip at my house. I had promised to show Brian a few old photos I have found and we spent 3 hours then scanning them in so that he could put them on Facebook. Although I say 3 hours, I regret that we didn't have time to go through them at a more leisurely pace before the kids returned home from town.

I made us Quiche and salad for tea and then we sat munching onion rings and chocolates while drinking Taboo & Lemonade and watching the National TV Awards.

The awards were all much of a muchness really although sadly David Tennant made his announcement live on air that he would be leaving Dr Who after he has completed the 4 specials coming up in 2009. I wasn't really shocked or upset as I had been expecting it and am just glad he got to say it to us himself.

The kids went to bed at midnight and Bri and I finished off some more scanning in of photos. At about 1am Brian was dozing off on the chair so he finally called it a night but I stayed up to upload all the pictures we had scanned and caught up with Celebrity Scissorhands on BBC3.

It was about 3am when I finally put my head down and I was rudely awoken again by those mischievous kittens at 6.30am.
I did doze back off and woke again at about 9.30 when Brian got up to make himself a Beechams for his cold.

All too soon I was wlking with Brian back ito town to get his bus home again :(

You just never stay long enough!!!!

Here's some of those embarrassing 80s photos

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

my friends Brian .... you make me sound like I have a dual personality or something! lol