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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

New season TV

My 2 favourite channels these days are Sci Fi and FX. They brought us such great shows as Heroes, Medium, Taken, Dexter & NCIS.

This week they both had new shows starting. First of all on FX was Burn Notice. They have been advertising it for ages and I have seen loads of stuff about in on LJ including caps and Icons. So I was looking forward to seeing it.

It didn't disappoint either. It must be made by the same people as Dexter as it is set in Miami with the same kind of photography and the same kind of script. Although it is like a cop drama there is a lot of humour in it too.

With the tagline Spies don't get fired, they get burned.The show is about Michael Weston A spy who is in the middle of an operation when he receives a call that he has been burned.

Jeffrey Donovan who Plays Michael is quite Yummy as you can see and Sharon Gless plays his crazy mother

Eli Stone is the second show and played out on Sci Fi On Monday night. We didn't realise though that it was a double episode Premier so we had to Sky+ it and watch it Wednesday.
Interestingly George Michael makes a guest appearance a couple of times in episode 1. It is about Eli who is a lawyer and keeps hearing George singing Faith. It turns out he may be a prophet...

In fact it is quite hard to explain the idea of the show but is stars Johnny Lee Miller as Eli Stone and it really quite funny.

Its great that there are all these brill new shows but there are still many old shows to return.
Bones is already back on Sky but House is yet to return which will be on at the same time. Heroes is back too but we are also waiting on the return of Eureka, Lost, Gossip girl, Torchwood, NCIS and CSI (Vegas and New York)
Thank God we now have Sky+ and we may have to bring the Virgin box into play too.

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