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Saturday, October 04, 2008

We are Family - I got all my sisters & Me

Friday I invited my sisters and their prospective partners/families over for a Saturday night in. I fancied spending some quality time with my family but as I have been out last weekend and will be going out next weekend I didn't fancy going out so this was the best option.

They already had plans for Saturday though so compromised on coming over Friday instead.
Deb arrived with her friend Shell at about 7ish and Ange and everyone else came not long after.

It was a great night.
We watched some X factor, had a few drinks and did a lot of standing around in the freezing cold night air. That's the thing with having family that all smoke, they spend most of their time stood outside and you end up going out with them as you don't want to be left on your own inside.

Shell left about 10ish as she had to be up Saturday morning for work and as she just lives round the corner, Deb and Bill walked her home.

Debz and Carl left about 11 as she too had to be up for work but Ange and Rob stayed until after midnight even though little niece was alseep on the chair.

We had another attack of the thick taxi drivers too. Rob got a ringback from the taxi so they scooped the little one up still sleeping and navigated the stairs to find no taxi - He had only stopped 100 yards up the street and so Ange had to carry DN all the way up there. These stupid taxi drivers should learn the area properly - They charge enough! and if we are paying for door to door it should be just that!! I hardly ever get them come to the right place even thbough the door numbers are clearly marked out on the wall so you can see from the road which range of numbers you need to be in!

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