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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Children in need - Derby

It's that time of year again. When all the soap stars of England's top shows and serious news readers embarrass themselves on national TV to rise money for the many Children in Need across the UK.

I love the CIN show, not only for the fact that the stars of The Bill, Eastenders and Corrie put on their dancing shoes and make fools of themselves along with the Newsreaders live on TV. There is also the fact that most of the country's top pop acts will usually make an appearance (No Fee) along with the biggest stage shows of the moment.

You also get to see stars of film and TV doing things they wouldn't normally do and of course the obligatory CIN Doctor who episode.

As part of the show they have outside broadcasts in all the regions to follow the local fundrasiing efforts. OUrs (The East midlands) is almost always from Nottingham as they never seemed to realise that there were any other cities in our region - Except this year our regional coverage was actually coming from THE WESTFIELD!!! And to boot along with the local presenters it was to be hosted by Jonathon Wilkes. You may know him better as best friend of Robbie Williams but I know him better as star celebrity footballer and captain on The Match. I was quite excited until I realised that I had to go to Ange's as her Godmother Wendy was coming over and she would be upset if I wasn't there too.

However, Bill and her mate were going down to watch the action so I could rely on her to get lots of pictures and she didn't disappoint.

Not only that though she told me she had a present for me and presented me with this

As you can imagine I was over the moon. I hadn't expected it at all and that makes it all the better. It wil go pride of place on my wall. In person autographs are always nicer :)

The theme of the Westfield broadcast and in fact the whole day of fundraising was Sci Fi and Fantasy and they had a few characters there on display.

I was watching from the comfort of my sofa. It looked fabulous and it was great exposure for Derby as a city and for the Westfield Centre.

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