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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Matlock and Matlock Bath

Today (Tuesday) the kids and I took a trip out to Matlock on the train.
The weather is so lovely and this may be my last chance to do stuff with the kids in school holidays.
Of course with us nothing runs smooth and we nearly missed the train due to Bret promising to meet us there and turning up with seconds to spare.

We got off the train at Matlock and wandered around the town as we usually just go straight to Matlock bath. It doesn't take too long to walk round and Bret was desperate for the loo so I suggested we go to a pub for a drink. I couldn't believe it came to £8 for 3 drinks and 3 packets of crisps!
We sat out on the decking overlooking the river Derwent.

When we were finished our drinks, we hopped back on the train to Matlock Bath. I was quite prepared to pay the £2 train fare but the conducter didn't get to us in the 2 minutes the journey takes so we got a free ride.

The best thing about Matlock Bath is that it is like being at the seaside but without the beach and the sea! You do have the River Derwent though and the gorgeous views and with the Sun and the blue skies it is a perfect day out.

We had Chips for lunch at a lovely little cafe. I had to wait for them to cook my chips but they were delicious and we got a right big plateful.

Of course we had the obligatory trip round the Matlock Bath Aquarium. Well it is only £2.40 each to get in so it would a crime not to go have a look round.
I took my big camera this time and I got some great fishy photos.

Oh and don't foget the cute turtles

Bret also got to feed the fish again that reside in the Original Matlock Baths.

We went to look at the Petrified Well too only cos I find it fascinating. The kids dropped a penny in and vowed that they would come back next time to see if it has turned to stone.

After the aquarium we had Ice cream and sat by the river. As I was pushing the boat out I had some home made Blackberry Ice cream in a hand made chocolate dipped cone. It was delicious, almost a Black forest Ice cream.

We walked alongside the river and I took many more photos of the Derbyshire countryside.

By about 4pm we were exhausted and our feet were starting to hurt so we went to the little sweetie shop and I treated the kids to a box of sweets each to take home (I had chocolate fudge) and we went for the train. It was a good job we got there early as the timetables had told me the complete wrong info.

By 5.30pm we were home again and not a moment too soon as my feet were throbbing and felt like they were going to drop off.

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