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Monday, May 25, 2009

Jam-packed boozy weekend

It all started on Friday when Brian and I went off to see Tim's new home in Basford in Notts.

We hopped on the tram about 7ish.I have only been on the trams in Notts a handful of times. I don't really like them much. You pay a standard fare of £1.50 whether you are going 2 stops or to the end of the line which I think is unfair. It was pretty full and although I managed to find 1 single seat, Brian had to stand.

When we got off, Bri said it would only be a 10 minutes walk - Well it probably was but i whinged all the way! The only reason I was complaining was because my bag was so heavy. I don't know why as we were only staying over night but you would have thought we were there for the week had you felt the weight of my bag.

Tim's new home is lovely. It is your typical 2-bed terrace but it is done up really well. It is the perfect size for him and the 4 cats. It has beautiful wood floors and a great kitchen and bathroom.
He has managed to furnish it in a month too with a gorgeous comfy couch in the living room and a surprisingly comfy double bed from Ikea in the spare room.

While Tim cooked dinner Brian and I sat in the front room drinking wine and investigating Tim's very eclectic film tastes in his DVD collection.
I have to say I got very squiffy on the gorgeous Rose wine and white zinfandel which I hadn't had before but was very nice. Too nice in fact as I was drinking it a little too quickly.

Tim cooked us a delicious meal of Spaghetti Bolognese. Like me, he cooked enough for an army but by the time the food was ready I was ravenous so I ate it all up. It was fantastic and was accompanied by Garlic dough balls which I think Brian and I ate the most of them.
We had Gorgeous Vegan Ice cream to follow and then retired to the lounge for liqueurs. I didn't like the Walnut liqueur that Tim offered. You know that I don't really like nuts of any kind but this was nasty.
So Tim offered me some Cointreau instead.

Unfortunately the good food and drink meant that soon both Tim and Brian were dozing off. I guess that as they had both been up at the crack of dawn and at work they were entitled to be tired so we were in bed by midnight.

I didn't sleep all that well. This wasn't because the bed was new - It was very comfortable. It wasn't because of Brian's snoring either as he didn't snore at all on this occasion. It was because it was so warm. I kicked the covers off but I was still boiling hot.
I did sleep a little while as I had this weird dream about getting an interview for a job at Brian's workplace ending in a big explosion.

The next morning we were up by 8.30. Tim made us coffee and toast for Breakfast before we head off back into Notts.

We shopped at Tesco and Brian prepared us Pizza and Wedges for lunch while we played on his new laptop and chatted.

In the afternoon more wine was consumed as Bri's mate Larry came over and we had a little celebratory drink to celebrate Larry's new promotion and my own job offer. (I know I haven't blogged about this yet but this is because I don't want to spoil the moment)

After about 4 bottles of wine between us together with the heat we were all a bit tipsy. Once the wine ran out we didn't want to stop drinking. With the weather as it was we should have been out side having a fantastic time instead of sobering up and gaining headaches. To be honest I had had a headache all weekend but when you stop drinking in the afternoon sometimes this can bring on the hangover earlier and more severe.

We were going out in the evening. To meet an old American Adventure buddy Tony. Tim should have left early to go home and get ready but at 5pm he was dozing again on Brian's sofa.

We left the 19th floor around 7.30pm to meet Tim and Tony in town.
There was a music festival in town. We had been able to hear something but God I wish I had known. We could have spent the afternoon drinking in the square and listening to the music and seeing the acts. I do miss my days of city music festivals. If only...

It was an interesting evening although not as I had hoped. I couldn't believe that there wasn't a quiet pub somewhere where we could settle down for the evening with a few pints and just chat about the past and what we have done since. It seems that there isn't. We sat in Wetherspoons to start with but it was so loud the noise of chatter and laughing etc...
Tony bought the first round in and we chatted about old times. I have to say I didn't hear much of the conversation so when the glasses were dry and it was time to move on, I was ready.

We ended up in a Spanish restaurant. They were very busy in the front but they put us in the back room which would have been OK but there was a birthday party going on and they were very noisy.

We had a couple of drinks in here while chatting about stuff. It wasn't the best of places to sit. Tony did attempt to move his seat to be a bit nearer but then this meant that each time someone came past to get to the loos he had to move for them and this was about every 2-3 minutes.

It was about 10.30 when Tony suddenly jumped up and said he had to leave. Hugs all round and he was gone. I guess he had to get back to the car park or something.
So the 3 of us left and went to get food. I think we were all starving and went to a greasy take away where all the drunks seem to end their evening.
I ordered a kebab and chips and the boys had some weird kebab burger thing.

Brian and I got back to his but there was no time for chatting. It was shovel the food down your necks as fast as you can and get to bed. I wasn't even half way through mine when Brian went off to bed so by the time I had finished, Brian was fast asleep.

Sunday morning there was no time for reflection. Brian had to get off to his mums so we said our good byes in the Vic centre as he went off for his bus and I toddled off to the bus station on my own.

I was home by about 10.30am and did consider going back to bed but it was such a lovely day that I stayed up to catch up on some tv.

I had a lovely weekend but it was all about in your face and then just ended abruptly. Oh for the showbiz lifestyle of party party party!!!

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